If the system cannot provide us with Healthcare, social security, or even a living wage, then what's the point?
AITAH for not letting a neighbor borrow my tile saw because he assumed it belonged to my boyfriend
Why does my body not let me sleep in on the weekends?
The never ending struggle of this box truck continues
Petah help
Wood ID Please
My 99 B1500. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but a very useful project vehicle.
I feel like a new man 1.5 yrs
Welp, there goes me ever trying to work on my car again or ever aspiring to be an auto tech.
So what was grandpa up to over in nam?
Unpopular Opinion: most of you should be buying edge grain boards instead of end grain. They’re more stable, stay flatter and less likely to check
New cutting board from Boardsmith has a small hole. Is this normal?
Have I ruined my board?
Tiny crack solution?
What happens if I never pay my medical bills and have no income?
Seeking Experienced Subcontractors for Network Cabling & Camera Installations
What is your average number of double-shot espressos (14–18g) consumed per day?
Lines after planing?
Managing Rental Properties Is Not as Passive as I Hoped
On this day 15 years ago, Battlefield Bad Company 2 was released
Amish Made Furniture
How to talk to a company about paint they got on my car?
Weird mark
PSA Do not use fram cartridge filters!
How to build van cabinets? What materials did you use, how much did it cost, and what would you do differently?