Update 2: dissaointment
Updated: Found a lost source, and reported it.
Found in the wild
Saw a handful of busted up smoke detectors at a random bus stop. Is this cause for concern or nah?
Scored these on FB market.
Reported to local radiological agency. They lost it 8 months back
The son of Dick Dale will be playing his dad's music at the 29 Palms Elks Lodge tonight in less than one hour. Hope to see you guys there if you're around-- the show is free-- bring earplugs to protect your precious hearing!!! Wear green
Another antique store haul. I have a problem..
New spice cabinet
Can I remove these myself?
Slapped on my friend’s 2018 Model 3’s windshield in Sherman Oaks, CA today
I found throwing knives in my front yard that were definitely not there last week
Californian road trip
Wall outlet melted. What causes this to happen?
Spectrum help
How Serious Are Canadians?🇨🇦🍁🇨🇦
Weird box attached to closet light
ID Help
Could the owner of the truck sue her for a hate crime?
Colorado woman keys swastika on CyberTruck
Timber Mountain Log Ride or Tianas Bayou Adventure?
gift for nephew
1st Time in Joshua Tree, favorite hikes/experiences/places to go/food?
Spices little guys