If you could add one “custom” support card to your favorite deck, what would it be?
What decks do you hate going against?
Had it not been for luck, Droll would have made this a non-game
One of these two has to go after the DC
How do I defeat the Blue-Eyes White Dragon deck(I use tearlaments deck)?
My Duelist Cup experience so far…
Which Nikkes Made you download the Game?
Faced 3rd Stun in a row in DC. Is anyone else facing the same?
What is your current main deck ? I pretty much exclusively play Dogmatika vast majority of the time
How many of these (36) cards do you think should be banned? All of them should, in my opinion.
I’ve actually never been more disgusted in anything until now
Anyone else trapped in White Forest hell in diamond?
A deck that people hate but is mad fun to you?
So is sky striker not good anymore?
What does my starting hand tell you about my deck(going 2nd)
Be honest, what deck do I look like I play?
Sometimes I'm Just Too Stubborn To Surrender
I have never had a more euphoric experience in the last 2-3 years of me playing MD
I get it now
This card is disgusting
Master Duel: Forbidden / Limited List Update
What’s one criticism you have about your own deck?
Favorite quotes that live rent free in your head?
Lol this screenshot is amazing