Potential Backing Off Because I Won’t Sign Legal Marriage
How UofT Med Got Captured by Mac Health Sci Grads & Why the System Stays Rigged
Has anyone ever been to a Gordon Research Conference (GRC)?
Good Quality Furniture stores?
Looking for help for Queen’s panel
pros & cons of attending a brand new med school (tmu)
To Trapbunny - Wherever You Are <3
So apparently people do get it on here...
Feeling sad
How's Bilal Assed?
Views on Mirza Zain Baig?
Struggling with Religious Control in Marriage
Feeling the rush of wanting to get married after hitting 25
SUPER random but good way of coping with 2 month long wait for med acceptance/rejection
How easy is it for a pharmacist to get into med school?
Why do you want to go into med?
Anyone else find surah shuara difficult
So are we assuming UofT is still reviewing apps?
Any other lab rats get rashes from their gloves?
Difference between completion & in-progress masters
What do u look for financially in a husband?
AMA-Let’s quell some nerves
What’s the difference between Trizol RNA extraction vs using phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol