Why did Sargeras need the Burning Legion when he could have just destroyed Azeroth with his sword?
This could be evidence for vault tec dropping the first bomb
Why do people say fallout 4 is bad?
Why does Blizzard like to make the Night Elves suffer all the time?
it seems most Night Elves heroes are getting retired
Do you think Sylvanas´ personality got reconned ?
Where do human warlocks come from?
This guy is really stupid (read body text)
( Spoilers for Undermine ending )Does it seem like the player character is both important and unimportant at the wrong times?
Hot Take: We're in the wrong for Cinderbrew Meadery
A Compromise? Unorthodox Class/Race Combinations
Opinion about BFA
Tell something bad about the costume from the amazing spider-man 2
Understanding Lightforged Draenei Warlocks
Who will be the main characters of the Midnight expansion?
Why doesn't the current U.S. government build affordable rental housing to lower rent prices, instead of trying to impose various tariffs?
Thoughts on whole new factions in Fallout 5?
Name something you would change from the Spider-Man Insomniac Games.
I think that the Enclave are going to be the main baddies of the show.
[Lore] Do you think the Fallout Universe can ever recover from the apocalypse?
Any chance Bethesda revisits the Enclave Spaceship idea?
Idea for Fallout 5 next main protagonist
Why is Fallout 3 not so popular?
If we ignore BFA's writing, which Horde factions would be against Sylvanas from the very beginning?
What would be a good reason to go back to main-universe Outland?