KBoC Whisperer upgrades?
Rogue Exile Question
KBoC or MFA for T17s on ~90 div budget
Kinetic Blast of Clustering & Rogue Farming, T17 Blasting
Got my second drop of Indigon (game trying to tell me try a new build) in Phrecia. Is KBoC good for doing ubers?
[Data] Loot from 123 Uber Atziri, 200 Maven kills
KB Whisperer Grasping Mail
Getting rid of Idols on Loot Filter?
Hoy many points in Arceus make you "good player"?
What current competitively-viable deck do you think is the most fun to play?
Let me share why you shouldn’t buy these for resale
[US, US] [H] binder, slabs, pins, jumbo [W] PP @ 90% tcgplayer
[US,US] [H] Sealed Terastal Festival ex Boxes [W] Paypal G&S
[TX,US] [H] PayPal [W] JP SIR 151 Venusaur, (Bulba, Ivy & Venu Cards in general), Cheap IR/FA Cards (Sub $1 or Bulk)
[US, US][H] Slabs, Japanese SAR's, Terastal Festival Booster Boxes, Vintage and Singles[W] PayPal, Lv.X, Wantlist, PAF Shinies, Southern Island, LCRH
Heyo, probs not gonna use these, what’s their worth? Thanks y’all!
[TX, US] [H] PayPal [W] Night Stretchers, 151 SIR JP Venusaur, Pokemon Center Exclusive Sleeves & Cheap (Under $1.50) Illustration Arts/FA Trainers in Bulk
Help piloting Greninja EX deck
How’s Iron Thorn ex + Dragapult ex deck
[US,TX] [H] PayPal [W] Upgrades for Charizard Battle Deck & Possibly a starter collection around $100-150?
Hi! New girly here!
Most efficient $ -> code -> credits ?
Just picked this up, one of my favorite Wolverine suits.
Rope for beginners
An Akira Toriyama Tribute