Why Are Eastern European Countries Expected to Send Folk Songs to Eurovision, but Not Western Ones?
(Ignoring all the controversy behind it)
Hi r/Eurovision! Louane here, Ask Me Anything! ❤️
What to make with a LOT of lemons other than pasta? (No Desserts or Lemonade)
Foundational knowledge / skills ?
is it ok to put reheated food back in the fridge?
Healthy but GOOD alternative to pasta
Any Lentil recipes?
What is one cheap food people tend to not like but is amazing when it’s quality ?
What to do with cilantro stems ?
What The Hell Just Happened? LIVE @ Theatre Royal Drury Lane
La Zarra's reaction to Milkshake Man is absolute perfection
Give one (constructive) criticism to each of your Top 3!
What about me?
What do the ESC 2025 songs taste/smell like to you?
MegaVision 1st ever contest
Being an iceland fan in Semifinal 1 be like😭
Contestants hanging out before the Oslo pre-party
The cultural impact of KAJ on Swedish-Finnish relations
Nobody asked for this but here's a jew harp rendition of the Bara Bada Bastu chorus (not exactly pitch perfect bur still)
Which countries do you think are certain not to qualify to the final?
Someone call the authorities Kyle has been kidnapped
What are the most shocking points given by individual countries on Eurovision?