So, no head?
Thoughts on the new Coda Ephemeras?
A lion pushes her cub without knowing it is water
What’s your toxic monster hunting trait
Of monster hunter’s 14 weapons, how many of them do you play, and which?
Show me your hunter profile
I love this community. Never change.
Thoughts on people joining a quest, carting twice, then just dipping?
It's 2030. You log in to warframe. What do you see?
What's your mr, where are you in your progression and are you early/mid/late game?
So we’re just pulling shit out of our ass now huh?
Do you prefer Kaya with one eye or two eyes?
Game worth it?
What's your favourite BASE Warframe design? (Excluding skins)
Nautilus is no joke
How much did you guys stock up on?
Has anyone actually played a sim till death?
Which should I choose (other than magistar)?
Rate it
Stale game
Just finished WD2, what a game man...
What's your favorite movement tech to use?
I don't think they liked my joke
Why can't we just...bullet jump over the barrier in Hollvania assassination?
How are you guys feeling about the new expansion pack and what are you most excited for?!