AITA for Having Sex with a Drunk Woman?
Forget favorites, what's your LEAST favorite song from MCR?
Opinions on jaws of life?
Set It Off Fun Facts
Just recently got into Set It Off, so I made them into a fridge magnet!
Selling a couple of shirts
Which SIO song is this for you?
Which Tyler song is this for you?
WIBTA if I don’t spend thanksgiving with my dad?
How to get elf samples?
Give me your honest opinion. ❤️
Do people actually pee in the shower?
[mod] Self-post weekend is active - Introduce yourself and make friends!
Can’t believe these both came on the same day lol
New Fan: Where to start
Giving away my yellow Elsewhere hoodie!
Am I the Bad Apple for getting a student permanently expelled and being cold about it?
Describe ANY song from Set it Off with emojis, and I'll guess it!