Okay love this new update?!
WIBTA if I told my husband he is bathing wrong?
Are we being scammed with our apartment?? (URGENT! HELP NEEDED)
Found in ON, Canada
Some pictures from the protest yesterday. Happy to see all the people that showed up.
Battle hearts or buddy hearts
Dissertation topic struggle
what would you get?
Got this for $50 today
Omg I finally have it!!!
Just got these on eBay for $10, they were at good price too. Are they any good ?
Note left on door
Red Bull Confirms Iced Vanilla Berry will be Permanent
How many Redbulls do you consume on average daily?
I’m so tired of kitty litter. I need help, please.
Is this the Worst Flavor?
i almost have all the redbulls, which one do i miss?
How do I maximize on Community Chest
Gender reveal type shih
How is your game going so far?
1st time early Album complete!! 🤩
The Pink Red Bull?!
Fav go to, curuba elderflower
went to walmart today and got lucky