What if Scp 001(Djoric’s proposal)were sent to the Rats Nest universe?
what is the best/worst thing about injustice superman?
Would you live in this world?
What if SCP 001(Djoric’s proposal)were sent to the Rat’s Nest universe?
Is my cousin the exception, or are there really tons of pro-Thanos people out there?
The final battle brought a tear to my eye
Why didn’t the Reich and America negotiate peace sometime after the revolution?
What if Ozymandias had focused on preparing humanity to survive a possible apocalypse,rather than preventing one?
This is literally fact.
Why is Clef/Francis portrayed so sympathetically in SCP 4231 despite willingly participating in the Ichabod Genocide?
What would have happened in SCP 1909 if Alexander Outis hadn’t died?
Amy's my fav- *glurk*
House of M - Steve Rogers
Nazis and mutants
At least both were upfront
When will X-Men '97 do an episode on the true Hero, Graydon Creed?
Stop hating Paul and MJ’s kids
Literally us.
Kingdom come would not put up with injustice shit.
Is there a reason as to why injustice Superman is so disliked?
Does anyone get bummed out knowing that Logan will forever be the end of the X-Men timeline?
Oh is Fascism here? Let's make AI videos about it
This is Trumperica
Halloween (2018)
What would you change about Halloween 2018?
Is Wanda Maximoff the worst Avenger? Is she alive?