What's the most annoying isekai troupe you hate in isekai story.
D... do I tell him?
CN Stream Misc News: MOD3-like system, EX stages, Dorm Update, GFL1 on Steam
MH:Wilds Doesn't Have a Content Problem
Anymore summoners?
I miss the feeling of wilderness and danger from old games, I hate a lot of the "QOL"
Genial, desde hoy 10 de Marzo, no puedo entrar a la mitad de las paginas webs de TODO INTERNET, gracias España
Why don't you want to play "World Police" for us anymore?
Russia's #2 hater just said Nah.
More weapons/ashes of war with evasion+attacks?
The different eras of this sub, in my view.
We were all thinking it too, bud
Someone I know just got arrested from Pixiv user.
Splash Roulette Temporary Removal
They fight because they have to. We fight because we want to.
Do you stop leveling at a certain point?
Vidya & Acacia 1/6 PVC figures announced
Oh AuthLeft….
In light of Valentine's Day. How do you guys feel about adding romance to your rpg maker games?
„la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah” german press: motive unknown 🤔
I released my half-visual novel, half-game I posted on here years ago, Star Knightess Aura, on Steam
How hosts in ER expect invaders to behave
People who level to 300+... how do you do it, and what do your playthroughs look like?
real and Mediterranean
Wikipedia infobox for GFL2 community since the CN launch