If you could forget everything about a game and play it again which one?
How much Sands of Time have you guys collected so far? Are you enjoying the event?
Promise of Tomorrow: Frieren Secret Lair
There... Done
PSA: expect to spend 40-50hrs grinding for sand over the course of 14 days.
What's your favorite unpopular commander to play?
Zada always getting removed :(
Top 1000 reasons why I love ML Arunka
Firing range door secret
Any hope of getting Swampert mega energy
1 vs 4 ML Taeyou comeback
Shittiest betrayal in a video game
What commander decks have you built, and do you recommend others build them?
RTA meta? Who are you sick of seeing?
I got lucky but... Am I really? lol
What are your top 5 games with the best storytelling and writing?
What was the first deck you made yourself and played with?
Thoughts on Celes, Rune Knight?
We lost. Twice. I am Violently Angry 💢
What are some fun reanimator //self mill commanders?
First time getting a 200 ks at Glacor. How'd I do?
Top 8 Pixiv Art Contest Round 4 (Preliminary Results Based on Number of Likes, Submission Period Already Ended)
"Ruele of Darkness" for the 4th Costume Contest
What Mono Green commander to invest in?
You know what makes a videogame instantly 70% less fun, at least for me?