Why does my iphone darken completely when watching youtube videos?
Is this the best iteration of Wraith ever?
Easier to grind to diamond now?
How can someone be this cracked at the game
The best 1v1 legend is mirage.
Revenant Mains Are Eating Again, But I Have This Wierd Feeling This Won't Last Long
Cantarella!?!?!? (From her showcase)
Anointed War State art posted by Brent on IG
Anton's Power
Conquest is the second strongest viltrumite?!
Returning player, should I restart?
Call me crazy but I just feel like this is the strongest thing we've seen in the series even post TYBW.
As of season 24 in your opinion, who are the three best legends for winning one V ones?
What's your least favorite boss, the one you hate fighting the most. Dlc/base game
I play worse whenever I use the Rune Arc. Anyone else?
I'm sick of Ash and this Season sucks
Is there a secret to keeping my movement smooth and fast?
What is the most forgotten character in wuwa community?
Genuine question, no BS, does high level gameplay come naturally or are you ALWAYS thinking about each individual action?
Why does my aim suck
I paid $250 for this- is this a reasonable price?
Overcomplicated skill descriptions
Got 3 Unflickering Valor weapon
My homeboy cut my hair and I have to attend my aunt's wedding tomorrow, 1st image is what I wanted did he get me right yall?
Hardstuck plat 3