Quelqu'un ici fait un métier qui n'est pas stressant ?
Recherche appart, vous pensez c’est une arnaque ?
Template picket, a VSCode extension to quickly include CI/CD templates !
CI/CD Observability is not a big deal
Run SystemCTL commands in the pipeline
Infrastructure Provisioning using Terraform and GitLab Pipelines
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Any recommendations for getting energy in the morning if you dont like coffee?
I've created an open-source PDF Viewer. Smooth, Dark mode (app & PDF), True Full Screen, Remembers last page, Search and more.
Repost: Successfully transferred my whatsapp chats from android to iPhone using wutsapper, got spare slots to share, also you can pay after the chat tranfer! dm if interested or you can read the post for details!
Which platform do you use for deployment ?
Layour for API creation
Why do French people speak English so badly?