What did you enjoy/liked about the sequels? (Be for real)
What would you have changed in the prequels?
What’s it gonna take for Hulk Hogan to be less hated by fans?
Do you believe Kevin Durant wins a championship if he never leaves OKC?
In your opinion, what would be the ceiling of the 2017-18 Lakers if they stayed together?
What made you a fan of Star Wars?
Who is a player that you believe is both overrated AND underrated by fans?
Do you believe the LeBron James Laker era was underwhelming/ disappointing?
What is a team that looked good on paper but really underperformed?
Where would you rank Kobe if he did manage to win the 2008 Finals? (And still win the 09 & 10 finals)
How good would the 2017-18 lakers have been if they stayed together?
Where would you rank Kobe all time IF he managed to win the finals and win finals MVP in 2008? (And still win in 09 & 10)
Never forget this era of the shield
What do you think made wrestling in the 80s/90s really popular?
Do you think if SCSA was introduced in today’s era, would he be as over as he was in the 90s?
Since the WWE roster is really large nowadays, not every superstar gets a chance. Do you think WWE need a new show?
What wrestlemania match would you have loved to see in person?
Who is a superstar fans call underrated but you disagree?
Just a friendly reminder Vince McMahon had a match at Wrestlemania in 2022.
Do you believe wrestling fans tend to not separate the character and the person portraying them?
If TRIPLE H never had his heart issue, who would you have liked to see him face for his retirement match?
What’s your opinion on wrestling fans who just watch one company and not others
When you were younger, what did you believe about the WWE?
What are things you prefer in the Vince era than the HHH era? (As of now)