Dear Grid Combat Sickos
RPG focused around traveling mechanics
Phoenix event on console!
Unlock able Feature: Random Unique Spawn
Does anyone else find the whole Delta Rising arc a massive slog?
Engineering a BBEG- Living Wish Spell
West Marches Guide for Brand New GMs?
A Review of Dragonbane
You're an aging millennial. You offer to run an RPG one-shot for some interested friends who have never played. You know you'll have two hours of game time between the kids going to bed at 8pm and energy fading by 10pm. What game/adventure are you bringing?
“Why don’t the Gods just fix it?”
One of these companions is not like the other...
How do I do a village raid fight?
Chronic 5e DM thinking of running Shadowdark. What are the biggest mindset shifts when switching to a game like this?
Fantasy/medieval systems with very light magic. Preferably without gods
Modules tier list debate
Dead Hero Replacement
Obsidian on Avowed: "Our team is committed to ongoing support. Within the next few weeks, we are going to be releasing a roadmap that will go over some of the plans we have that will be coming to the game over the upcoming year."
maybe a dumb question, but...POINTS OF INTEREST?
DMs, What are you currently working on?
Horror of the Fairelands arrived!
My take on the classic cover
Bespoke Box Set - birthday gift for a friend.
The Western Reaches, a Shadowdark setting, Kickstarter is live
Shadowdark RPG's hexcrawl setting, The Western Reaches, is live on Kickstarter
What's the most fun you've had with board gaming in recent memory?