Who wins
Can an Almighty user be blitzed? Is it even possible at all?
Who likes men more
Which movie soundtrack would best fit Bleachverse? This includes all the themes and songs
The battle of the century, who wins?
Give me a character and I'll say if they are overrated, underrated or properly rated
Who wins this
W's in the comments for this pull [Fluff]
Your last saved image killed Yhwach. What was it?
My top 5 favourites vs your top 5 who wins?
Community alignment chart:who's not that great of a simp?
Which would you prefer? The Harribel Trio or the Bambi Trio?
Can you beat me my teacher is Jim mori your favorite character is yours
How many kkk members can kid Naruto kill
How many KKK members can ichigo kill
Who is stronger, Fake karakura town Aizen (no hogyoku) or Fullbring ichigo
Who in the series has got the most "Mad Rizz" and gets "Hella Huzz" and smashes them left and right ?
Soul reaper aizen vs urahara
Is Bleach with NO statements above continent level
Is One piece with NO statements above continent level
I will fight for him he is good fr fr [fluff]
Enough time has passed...
How strong is Orihime in final arc?
Bambietta is all of this and more
Cop Bambietta (by yoshino)