Redress // Basic 02 & Styled by Design 01
Leeloo Barbie is here
Colette, Tula, and Lilith
The New Barbie Basics Line Has a Major Flaw—Let’s Talk About It!
My second dramatic living barbie mtm hybrid custom
does anyone know what material the new Barbie Basics are made out of?
Barbie Looks Rerooted
Wasn't going to, but did anyway 😅
Weekend Restyles
Yayyy!! Another birthday gift! This girl is so pretty!!
Power House Ayumi is my favourite Nu Face doll
Contemplative Agnes
2000s barbie clothes hual💖
When you find a face you like.
Barbie Basics: No. 2
Happy Birthday to me!! She is hereee!!!
My auction bid that I won a few weeks back💕 it’s so 80s I love it! Hahaha
I want to unbox her but even the box is art 😭
Poppy Parker Dolls at Front Row Show
Defa Lucy Restyle.
Poppy Parker Lemon Lullaby
Integrity Toys - Colette, Tulabelle, and Lilith
aand another one with a tiny “defect” that i doubt anyone would ever notice (and yes ik i have severe issues for this)
Can anyone share a picture comparing the Odile collectors dolls with pink dress and the Odile with wardrobe playline together?
Happy birthday, Barbie! (Barbie Looks 22)