sumayaw lang sa club hoe na agad???
Isa sa pinakaOA na bisaya vlogger
Uhmm, no. You are pro-this politician and I am pro-Philippines
TIL na Pinoy ang creator ng isa sa pinakacontroversial na virus outbreak in the world affecting 45 million machines via the I Love You Virus in 2000
Ganap na ganap naman si ante
Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) appeared in Teyvat, who can earnestly lift it?
Please can someone tell me what my cat is doing 😅
Creepy player harassing me on Asia server, everyone please be careful
Dose any one have any information about this event especially when will it be realise?
Any thoughts?
What is your favorite wepon solely based on its design?
Post your main and everyone post why they hate it
Final Dissertation! I NEED YOU GUYS (a 5 Welkins Raffle included)
This was my last 10 pulls thankfully I got mizukis wepon tho a little disappointed of how small it is.
Paano malaman na hindi epal ang Mayor nyo?
English ONLY policy
I don't get the hate this girl is getting from adults.
I…I don’t think that was supposed to happen…
Is this vase be forever be available in the shop after you unlock it?
My kids, totally passed out and dead to the world after spending the day at the beach on vacation in Mexico.
Do students from big universities really think like this?
Name a character that you wanted the minute you saw them - forget their power level
Hey guys I'm a casual player and I mostly play for fun so I don't really care for meta can you guys help me build Lan Yan I'm going to make her "main DPS" I can't figure out if I will put cri damge/rate or EM in her circlet.