What did my dad do?
What would be the absolute latest date you'd entertain keeping Kaprizov on the team with no contract extension?
I see this every morning on my pillow when I open my eyes 😍What do you see when you wake up?🥹
Fan Survey on Marco Rossi
Sabres Ownership Named Worst in NHL
GMRS near Canada
watching wild games on mute now
Our Captain
Howden hit on Kulich, Krebs response.
New FCC deregulation
Boy’s Best Friend
How much would you you charge for this (£)
Granddad did some cool shit in Italy back in the day
They should have an option to not have announcers and just play sounds of the game ….the whole game .
A damaged Douglas SBD Dauntless on the USS Lexington. ( date unknown)
[Friedman] Hearing the NYI and Colorado Avalanche working on a Brock Nelson deal. Avs still playing tonight.
Hey you guys know Lord Stanley was a conservative right?
This is my rack - it's not special but I'm proud of it
Found this medal in back yard
Fuck you all.
My new kittens teefs
Caption this photo
Elon Musk and family using Air Force One on taxpayer's money
Mikko AND Brock?! 👀
What towns in Upstate feel like they have been left behind in time? What are the weirdest or creepiest towns in the region?