Lloyds is planning to shift thousands of skilled IT jobs from UK to India
Marriage is scary, what is she
Development or Destruction?What Do You See?
Apple To Hire 20,000 Workers As Part Of $500 Billion U.S. Investment
Why Women don't like living with in laws
May god bless them & their families forever, 🫶🏻🫶🏻 & kudos for their upbeat spirits, spontaneous dance moves, & of course, smiling faces. 🫡👏🏻👏🏻
Someone in Chakan is crying right now
Why hiring in India is increasing
No Spark in Marriage
All future hiring shifted to India (Update)
How do people with Luxury Vehicles get service or repair?
What are some good date ideas in an AM setup?
Hindutva influencer calls on Hindus to attack, rape, and kill Christians in Chhattisgarh
Kerala man who complained of caste discrimination at work transferred to Gujarat
Arranged marriage scene is toxic
Observation about Assam
Why are weddings getting so extravagant? My sister's wedding in 2007 had around 1000 guests, and now my cousin's wedding is expecting 1200! I feel like 200-300 should be the ideal max, but the numbers just keep going up... sigh.
Had break-up in AM, advice to make myself a desirable girl!
Karnataka man kills daughter for opposing arranged marriage
why is the youth of the state blinded by psc jobs?
IT Park in Kannur,Is there a potential?
Best utilization of this Sub?
Inside I am romantically dead
AM is hard for guys living with their parents
The process of AM search is exhausting | 28 M