What is your most recent thought that you couldn’t say out loud?
I’m curious to know how different everybody’s day has been so what happened to you today?
Which game in the saw sequel do you think you could escape and why?
Where is the craziest place you had sex?
What was the most inappropriate time you had sex?
If you have ever had an out of body experience, what was it like?
What was the craziest dream you have ever had?
What is something that has happened to you that you can not expain?
What are tips and tricks in bed that almost always end in an orgasm for either person?
Blisters on fingers in the cold
is it bad my boyfriend looks up and stalks girls on insta after i've asked him to unfollow them?
Peeling and painful fingertips
Who can cash app three dollar to help with gas?
Snapping turtle in Brainerd MN, I mean like holy smokes this thing
Snapping turtle in Brainerd MN
if you could punch one person with no repercussions, who would it be?
Ladies, how do I explain the feeling of period cramps to my bf?