A hag came in the night, and cursed the fancy map markers the squireboy had me buy for him by bringing them to life. Now they are trying to kill each other. Is there any way to fix this, or is mine coin purse going to be lighter?
What else should I put in the hospitaler corner of my desk? Wanna keep it specific to knights hospitaller/order of Malta, and before you say it, Maltese lego knights will be added when they arrive.
Wee Scottish cat meme
How far would you get in Murder Drones? Episode start to end (Survival)
I am not exaggerating, that shit was heavenly
Please Identify this Sword in an Irish pub.
Witcher 3's witcher school armors - how would you go about unfucking them to be more functional?
what's the worst character redesign of all time
Sir Siegfried face reveal
Waiter! Waiter! More Samarina vs Marilevi please!
Le reality of being sick has arrived
"Wear Your Most Expensive Outfit Tonight" Bet.
Where the hell did this head guy come from? Dude just appeared in my party after asking the 3 questions
I've always thought this Kipchak helmet is so similar to the guy fawkes mask
Sir Rembrandt and Sir Siegfried (they're pals)
The crusades were nothing more than a series of overglorified strategic failures and the only reason they’re viewed the way they are is because they’re looked at through a modern nationalist lens.
Two snakes
Just started 3ds, but got lost at the opening cutsecne. Can someone explain what is happening?
What were the most creative weapons you have seen in your kingdom?
Sir Rembrandt, a character from a comic I'm making.
Unbiased crusades compass