Unexplained infertility
My best friends are having babies
Bracing for tomorrow
I can’t remember her name!
3AA, 2AA, 3AB - three blastocysts. I’m 34. What can be my chances of success?
Success with non hatching 3BBs?
Big Little Feelings Snark Week of January 20, 2025
16 fertilized… 16 on day 3. How many to PGT test?
Day 1 first iui attempt; advice?
Starting injections this Friday
Low rise Hcg
Delayed ER
FINALLY got PGT results from Natera
Frozen transfer
Day 5 of stims
Has anyone tried “natural” ivf?
Failed first FET, gearing up for my next. Any tips?
Genetic Testing for Frozen Sperm
Is it possible medicated FETs are not for everyone?
Worried the name we love doesn’t work with our last name
First names for a girl that don’t make her sound like a cartoon character
At my wits’ end. Which way to go next for FET.
Thursday Daily Chat Thread
Just left quest labs
Today’s the day of my ER!