This is the most beautiful theme on my 3ds console
This bug scared the shit out of me when I was hunting
I converted two people to our cul- I mean community
Pikamuoti vituttaa
Does anyone want to help out with a big project? (Read details)
Nintendo DS lite charging problem
My camera broke and now Link looks like an ant
HSLn lipuntarkastajien käsittämätön toiminta
Got skyward sword disc from a friend, had to improvise. Constructive criticism only.
Thanks Nintendo for the free cardboard!
My brother got me this Twilight Princess Link from Nintendo Store in Kyoto
please leave any advice and tricks to get wood (especially hardwood)
The hell am I even supposed to do with all these?
Millä ihmeellä auto on saatu tollalailla? Eikös toi kuulu romuttamolle?
What is that supposed to be
Why is it so expensive
This is all I get for accessibility is this normal?
Help me decide which game to play next
Got a Wii on 2025, it was from my cousin and he gifted it to me, pretty cool!
I dropped my ds. can I fix it?
Better late than never
How would the Avengers react to Bayonetta?
1-10 How cute?
At a concert last night. Dude spent the whole night taking pictures on DS