The chains really come out of her pussy
Ryze & the Rose!
Transcendence these days is unlike what we knew before
Balance changes for zenyatta
Unpopular opinion, but I like Viktor’s rework game design better than the Arcane one.
Still no buffs for Ryze?
So, I love the idea of Maximillian being a playable hero, but I have zero clue what his kit would be. Any ideas?
About death on Runeterra
Symbiotic boot feels good but it's situational
So what about the lore?
Navori tech?
How to stand against mid AP Malphite?
Ability enhancement ultimate
What are the dark forces seeking for World Runes that Ryze mentioned?
Can we get Archives back?
OMG Doinb Ryze hack again?
Are they padding up Xolaani with too many things?
Rework with World Rune shards (for fun)
WEQ allows you to stand against counter picks in laning phase
Did Riot killed the Domination tree ?
Aurora Matchup
Rank #1(as of now) Ryze ask me anything. I definitely didnt abuse the system.
What if the first blood changes to first five kills as an objective of the new system?