I did horrible things as a teen and now i can't have a normal life anymore
Baby fell off bed
1 Week Newborn and my wife and I are at each other's throats...
How do breastfeeding mums get anything done
SIL commented on my work ethic.. sort of?
28F dating 30M virgin
I was fooled, tricked, bamboozled. I'm so tired.
Am I a bad mum? Am I torturing my son?
Scariest night of being a parent (so far)
Am a joke?
Be honest—did having kids hurt your career?
What's one thing you absolutely bur secretly detest as a parent?
I’m starting to hate my kid.
Anyone worried about this measles outbreak with newborns?
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
I f’d up
Mother wants me to stop breastfeeding…
AIO? Husband tried to choke me but didn't do it "as forcefully as he could have" so it doesn't count?
I deserve praise
What can people mail you in bootcamp?
My 5 year old keeps calling all of his female teachers beautiful…
One of the most important things a new mom should know…
At my wits end with my 4yo
What are you're parental go to sayings?
It wont be like this for long