Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
Which rug looks best?
Is this horn even legal?
Can’t get emulsion to cling onto this wooden picture frame rail. Any tips please
Is this car the undisputed champion of “I drive like a bellend”? If not what is?
Tiny narrow stair cubby - ideas?
D230 Doorbell issues
Would you pay this tiler?
Help with top of panelling
Any ideas how to make this wall look better?
Have we ruined the window frame?
I just made DIY app that try to help solving one of the biggest problems in British homes...excessive humidity
What can go wrong with hanging our tv like this (and with this mount)? Chimney breast, 1890 house.
How much would door replacement cost? Wooden to UPVC?