Acne after stopping birth control
Eye problems? blind spot/scatoma
Working memory
What do you snack on?
Breast marker sticking out?
CT 2 days after chemo session
Gut pain
Tattoo chair or massage bed
Weekly ask an Artist thread
Pain when pressing the nail help!
What’s the most misinformed thing you’ve heard a guy say about periods?
Rady dla młodych dorosłych
Co Wam się udało i jakie sukcesy odnieśliście w 2024 roku?
[MEGATHREAD] Daily venting, worries, fixations, & finding support. Month of December 2024.
Dobry terapeuta/terapeutka w Gdańsku?
Jak sobie radzicie ze stresem w pracy i w życiu?
What am I doing wrong?
How to stop
I want to kick him out but my anxiety doesn’t
Need help identifying what the sculpture is about !
Expectations for getting off Birth Control