Kantine des Bildungszentrums (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung), 0€ für Azubis/Fortbildungsteilnehmer. Sonst 5€.
I love the humor of the new EP
Why is the loss on the candy so big?
AITA for not giving the “dollhouse” I built to my niece, but to my wife as a gift?
yeah, idk what happened either...
The Turnip Festival in RF actually exists in real life?
The Jarrampla festival in Spain.
Ich hatte noch nie eine Beziehung
Unerklärliche, perfekte Kreise aus Punkten auf Kleidung nach dem Waschen/Trocknen? Vor einigen Monaten zuerst auf einem Bettlaken und nun auf diesem Shirt?!
Ich hab keine Freunde
Welche Pflanze ist das?
How come Lucifer didn't know about any of Charlie's dreams prior to his visit to the Hotel?
Yeah, what do I do now?
My sim got abducted by aliens. While wearing a fairy costume for Spooky Day, and also while on a date with her girlfriend. She was going to propose. I guess that plan is out the window.
Ich fühle mich wie der größte Versager und habe nichts im Leben erreicht.
Does anyone know where you can get Amy's dress?
An exhibit showing all the blood vessels in a human being’s body.
What's your Sims 4 confession?
First attempt at watermarble ever! Is it okay? 💗
Just got offered my first full time job, was addressed to someone else. My name is not anything close to Matt.
10 million out of nowhere
When can I stop building, it’s been 2 weeks lol?😂 (will fix any imperfections soon)
Heizkosten zurückbekommen?
My girlfriend left me on the day I was proposing without any explanation
BIDA weil ich eine Kommilitonin bewusst ignoriere?