John “Paddy” Hemingway (R) and Peter Townsend (L) of No. 85 Squadron. Yesterday Hemingway passed away at the age of 105. he was the last surviving RAF pilot from the Battle of Britain.
[DIGITAL] Sci-fi 70s Collage Art style
Does anyone here own a copy of Skeleton Breath, Scorpion Blush: Songs and Poems?
Looking to get into John Zorn's solo work, where should I start?
Is my music taste weird?
Would this be good as an album cover?
Please recommend me some musicians and bands to listen to
Here's a few of my favorite ambient & new age albums on cassette from my collection!
Found my grail
What is some albums that is good for sleeping or relaxing to?
Screw politics. Why haven't you switched to linux?
Captain looking extra wealthy
The Metro Bridge getting lost in this morning's fog
Me and my band released a new song
What do you think of ambient 4 on a land ?
Look who I found on tiktok live roughly 20 minutes ago
/uj: Can we stop recycling jokes?
Why is the F-86F-2 at 8.7 (ARB)?
What's the best debut album of the 1960's?
Annunciation - Mati Klarkwein (1961)
Describe me
So, whats your favorite king crimson song?
15yr white girl. Recommendations?
Yes, I know my taste is music is elite.