What can you tell me about my late father?
Jump School
Why is There No Infantry/Ground Forces Related Events?
Found this old picture of me as a kid at an air show in Florida, can anyone ID this pilots patches ?
The weekend is almost over. Have a laugh on me.
Are we allowed to wear plate carriers for SAR?
CAP Ranger Tabs
20 Years Army
Is this just a design flaw of the hot weather ocps?
Can I wear the a1c insignias since I got 2d Lt?
Looking around the meeting room at all those in flight suits, I noticed…
My Current Rack
CAP Resume?
90s CAPM 39-1
What's a "Rank Mafia"?
I came in at 22 and retired at 44, spent half my life in uniform. I did nukes, space and helped write a zombie plan.
When did you lose your “cadet youth”?
Is profanity allowed outside of CAP?
USAF Flight Duty Uniform - How to Put On
Rated Preparatory Program
New Years Goals
It passed: MDANG get DCANG 121 FS
Aint it beautiful
Wouldn’t it be cool if we got decommissioned HC-130s from USAF?
I took my Wright brothers