What is your cutesy nickname for your significant other?
I haven't drawn in 15+ years but these are all from middle and high school.
What are some things that you and your SO do that is intimate instead of sex?
When tall women hug someone significantly shorter, do you crouch down or just accept they are getting a face full of boobs?
What’s worse than ants in your pants?
Hey Reddit, what is the worst message you accidentally sent to the wrong person?
What's the most NSFW thing you ever saw in school?
What is a song that instantly pisses you off?
How did that person in your high school die?
Restaurants You Would Recommend for a Job
The stages of grief. Which are we in now? 1. Anger 2. Bargaining 3. Depression 4. Acceptance
Just found this nice Horse... a colt perhaps? what should I name it?
Which Celebrity Death shocked you the most?
Which actress or actor do you like so much that you'd watch anything they're in?
Today we Decimate Denver.
Blursed Cleavage