Educated? Well
Engin at it again🐺
Danmark giver 660 millioner kroner til Syrien
Why Dua Lipa is so good at asking questions
The old man told me to take any rug in the house
Match Thread: Chelsea vs F.C. København | UEFA Conference League
Let's hit Trump's Tech Bros with that EU Digital Services Tax finally
Vitaly and Laletin, they need to pull to show us how they pull
Major Armwrestling Championships 3 [Live Thread]
Could someone please upload/update us on MAC results?
[Race Thread] 2025 Strade Bianche ME (1.UWT)
Auden Larratt vs Artem Taranenko -MAC 3 Press Conference [Event starts in 5½ hours from the time of this post]
Best pub to watch FCK
Hvor ville jeg ønske, at vores politikere ville turde udtale sig lige så sagligt, og uprovokerende om situationen - i stedet for bare at gentage den samme smøre igen og igen.
Throw back - Genadi Kvikvinia vs Denis Cyplenkov MASWRESTLING
Poll: for 73% of French people, the United States is no longer an ally of France.
MMT will beat Vitali.
Seier og FCK.
Fanklub tager afstand fra Seier – stemmer ikke overens med klubbens værdier
Vitaly on his story
I Silkeborg har vi Flaske-Mads. Hvem har I?
Danmark donerer to milliarder til Ukraine
Neestrup påpeger FCM-fordel: Dommeren skal holde øje
I know that Samuel L Jackson wants to return as Mace Windu which I am divided on because on the one hand it would be great have him back but on the other hand it could drastically damage his character. What are your thoughts?
Kids destroying things