I got stood up and I think I’m done with everything
Can u tell me I'm a girl??? Pls 🥺
I can't tell if im actually trans
What makes you a woman
Don’t worry. America is safe again!
Cis people really don’t understand, do they?
I'm so lonely
Dear cis people who feel you are being bullied by big bad trans people: grow a pair. You can have mine.
How can I help?
I Chose to Cancel My SRS: Confused About What's Next
Got the warm fuzzies :3
Is the word "tranny" a slur to us?
Why are straight men who like transwomen excluded by their friends?
I'm trans. There, I said it.
Got called a horrible evil monster thing
"You passed to a KAREN!"
On HRT for almost two months and having a hard time with it. Really need help.
Question for my sisters
Being transgender is not a choice. The choice is breathe or suffocate.
I'm so confused
I am confused. I am stuck. I need advice.
Am I the only trans girl that recognizes the increase in cis women spewing hate towards trans women?
Y'all are the reason I'm still going
We can make it through this and prevail against trump