Lambo calling out reddit zerg whiners
There are now only 2 zergs in the top 30 of EU ladder.
Heres to David Kim, the best balance designer this game has ever seen.
For a 15 year old game, the fact that a) Serral, herO, and Clem are undisputed champions of their races and b) they're each competitive with one another is an astonishing feat of game design and balance.
I finally realized....
Please explain to this Protos how Steady Targetting vs Zerg isn't OP?
GM Stats show Protoss is finally playable race. Thank you balance council!
Between NA, EU and Asia server, there are now 4 zergs combined across the top 16 in each.
Great speech from Zekken outlining SEN's issues after the loss to Team Liquid.
Zerg Streamer recommendations?
For the first time since 2018, serral is not the #1 highest mmr on EU ladder.
Alright, so clearly zerg needs some help, lets brainstorm some buffs to help them out
Can someone explain why does EDG lose so many eco rounds?
Which race do you think is the best?
Zerg Has Been Less And Less Fun Since 2018
wew patch wew
Zerg changes this patch have made this game beyond broken for Terran/Protoss.
These are the top 10 Players at Masters Bangkok — Plat Chat VALORANT Ep....
Plat Chat Top Ten Players Heading Into Bangkok
bad informe
[THESPIKE/Martin Arevalo] "I think G2 are definitely like an EMEA team" - N4RRATE on G2's playstyle and more
N4RRATE & Kaplan have a heart to heart after the SEN vs LOUD match
That's kinda neat.
FNS opens up about what's going wrong for NRG
January Balance Stats are out on Aligulac, once again Terran sits on top with a WHOPPING 57% TvZ winrate!!!??? Nerf this OP AF race already!