Is it weird to wash your hands before unloading your dishwasher?
Do you wash your legs when you bathe?
Sex Kink/Fetish
Did I mess up my daughter’s name? No one gets it!
People in long-term relationships, how do you know if you’re still in love with your partner?
My dog saved a little kid
What's the most disgusting thing a partner has done (or failed to do), and was it a deal breaker for you?
What is a word that *looks* ugly to you even though it's a perfectly normal/acceptable word?
I have lots of hair down there and I honestly am kinda embarrassed about it. Does anyone have tips on how to improve my self-esteem about it? (I'm a woman, btw)
Is there a name where everyone you’ve met with it pissed you off?
Which colours for a MC?
What's your favorite word (that's not defenestration)?
How do I draw hands like this?
This is how I imagine a 5 way element game could be played.
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Do women ever get annoyed of their boobs?
So. Is our girl capping?
Why is it important to take a shower daily, as opposed to every 2-3 days?
What’s one thing you’d do if you knew there were no consequences?
Dismissed by doctor within the first 3 minutes
I've just created my 1st character and wow
Can't feel pleasure without vibrator
What is your favorite cartoon of all time?
How bad would the name Saoirse in the States be?
You can combine any two video games into one completely functional game.