Buddy3D Camera for Prusa CORE One Shipped!
Modified catcher's glove recommendation
Going on year 4 of being afraid of the ball - what protection might help?
Spring season is right around the corner, time for a chair upgrade. What are you guys using?
Spark built-in probe readings via cloud API?
Selling sleepnumber
For anyone wondering what a Core One on the speed profile sounds like.
Core one shipping and arrival thread
New i8 owners, not sure about keeping this thing
Split king, link sides?
Soooo based on what I’m seeing this is probably about the best I can get tpu?
Core One Buddy 3d Camera Available for Preorder
Update: Prusa CORE One Drawers mod
Prusa Core One, who else has ordered?
PC-CF back in stock!
What to add to prusa filament or accessory order?
Does anyone have news about the Prusa Core One ?
Prusa XL TPU purge line stringing
Buddy3d Cam Impressions
XL tool head crash (and probably solution)
So, the Core One looks really cool, but...
Yupp.... Mine is done.... Soooo beyond pissed rn... I just commented on someones post about me being nervous about it breaking ... Opened mine to check and it's broken 💔😞
Stopper/cover for french press pour spout?
App on Android 15 has a "heartbeat"
Fireboard 2 Pro newbie questions