Reached Mythic With Bad Gifts During My Lunch Break
I barely took Lily home from the shelter half an hour ago
When to say, "Good Game"?
Your longest wall hold?
Tarkir: Dragonstorm Cannot Get Here Fast Enough
I’m scared
What are Clinicals like?
Why haven’t the Epstein files been released yet? Who are they protecting?
People don't understand trample+deathtouch
Summer jackets
Anemia and studying
Will there ever be a new Creek?
Standard deck I've been trying out, haven't tested in ranked yet. Any upgrade ideas? Thanks!
I’m being sued am I gonna get kicked out?
New York first responders reveals alarming mental health struggles, with high rates of stress, burnout
“You can’t be a nurse!”
Do you need a license to purchase medical/student debt and then forgive it?
Why is Epstein’s list only getting released now after so many years?
TIL in US, millions of people sell their blood plasma for income, and the "donation stations" have business model designed to make the "donors" come back as much as possible.
How many hours working with summer classes is too much?
Made mythic with just rabbits
Become CNA or EMT?