my new wallpaper 💕
Fuck all y'all who downvoted me and laughed when I said Carti could do 250-350k last year
oh my god guys i am music dropped
My fresh Misa tattoo!
MUSIC currently has the same critic score as Die Lit on albumoftheyear
Die Lit currently has the same user score as MUSIC as of right now
RiseOfCarti was on stage w Carti last night 😭😭😭
Worst edit oat just dropped
how it feels to listen to opm babi
MUSIC go hard AF IDGAF what da haters say, TRIM 4L 🧛🧛🧛
Enough time has passed. OLYMPIAN is top 5 Carti Songs of All-Time
MUSIC remains at #1 on Apple Music 🥇
Fantano has rated carti album "Music" a 10
throwback to when this nigga officially announced the album when i was shitting 💔
Has he finally given up on trying to be mysterious 😳
why does it say feat on BACKD00R only but with on the rest 😭
This is killing me 😭😭😭
Am I the only mf who actually kinda likes this song? 💀 I've seen so much hate for it
there should be a deluxe called “I AM MUSIC”
most streamed artist March 14 & 15
does anyone actually know anything about Baby Boi?
Top songs from MUSIC are already in Carti’s top 10
I SEEEEEE YOU BABY BOI Appreciation Post
That confirms it then
This shit is INSANE wtf 🔥🔥