Naval ship classes: History and uses
I am in need of a new boost stage for my Shipkiller missile busses, any ideas?
What would make a good boost stage for a Space to Space missile bus?
Does this idea for a space countermeasure dispenser make sense?
My space fighter ideas, are they good?
Pick a weapon or monster in your world and describe five or seven things about it. Those who reply will explain how their world would react to and/or fight it.
Turrets and spinally mounted weapons
The LNS Golden Future, Espadon class Fire-Support Torchship ( Redrawn by my friend Nik)
Would you consider the shogun a villain or antagonist?
Naval Countermeasure batteries
I don't get it
Any advice on how to make my vest look more mechanical and armored for a Fidelis MechWarrior (BattleTech) cosplay. ( any advice on any part of the design Is greatly appreciated too)
How can I make my vest look more mechanical and armored for a Fidelis MechWarrior (BattleTech) cosplay?
UNDS Espadon ( Thanks to Nik for redrawing this for me)
In regards to hover vs tracked tanks I have an idea.