Recipe data pack inspired by Ethos decraftable idea
Yu-Gi-Oh ! - Minecraft : Monster Summoning [details in comment]
I made a datapack that adds Etho's idea for melting down blocks into the game (from his latest Let's Play episode)
I'm recreating Plants vs Zombies
I'm working on a fully functional Crash Bandicoot map. Here's the first level!
Loot box animation in vanilla Minecraft (WIP on my magic survival datapack)
Prevent players from manually placing items in a certain hotbar slot?
Not too sure what I'm doing wrong with this effect command
Different Seasons for my Farming Map
Detect when it's nighttime with commands
Forest Temple Mechanic for Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks Map
Xp level = ... doesn't give out a redstone signal
Forest Shrine from Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Is there a way to test what light level an enitity is on?
Giant Pig with command blocks and a resource pack
I made realistic digging
Why do Hermits use carved pumkins when they remodel an item to make hats?
Light leve detection
Minecraft Mobs Re-Texturing
Why Cant We Have Something Like This?
Small Cutscene from Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Why won't this command work?
How do I set a player's max health and current health to be lower without having to take damage?
Simple Flare Gun for a Zombie Adventure Map
This is dead dungeon project I worked on while ago with customizable width/length - was planning on making it a full infinite floor Roguelike, but didn't end up pulling through. Thoughts?