What’s the best gun right now?
This is my prediction for the season 4 OG battle pass😭
These skins are so cool omg thank you so much epic.
This totally means Kratos is returning to the Shop, right? Right?
Who else agrees these skins are trash?
EPIC!!!!! Take my life and the lives of the other Redditors on this sub, and release him!😭
Why are people waiting for this costume series?
Skin with the most aura???
Idea that could make money
Y’all remember the cheap bundle glitch??
Since God of War is having their 20th Anniversary. It's time to bring back Kratos in Fortnite. (I know it's up to Santa Monica and not Epic Games)
There are many things wrong about this tweet.
Anybody else absolutely hate this skin? Like no shade to juice wrld but this is one of the most annoying skins to see now.
What's a non-rare skin you really like but barely appears in the shop?
Oxidized mineral powder
I've been part of this community for way too long to not make a divisive world tier list
Everytime I look at the item shop I instinctively close the game after looking through it😭
How do you guys set up your survivor squad?
They are scary and sweat
Fortnite when it comes to releasing the same 20 skins or a icon skin in the item shop
If the next season theme is Star Wars, imma need this
At what lv will playing storm feel comfortable?
Notable complaint about an otherwise amazing game
What does my top 15 say about me?
Femboy skins when, Epic?