Tried to find out why it's thought of as unlucky to wish someone an early birthday greeting in Germany and found this!
Russian military telegram groups are something out of this world
Had to send our sweet boy Chester over the rainbow bridge
Ein bisschen Bildung mit der Berufsschule...
What city in your country best exemplifies this statement?
Thoughts on Bonn?
Tattoo-Verbot/Durchleutung in Behörden noch präsent?
Ist das Ruhrgebiet noch zu retten?
Haben wir nicht alle Träume?
The bill cipher statue before getting removed
Do methheads take a sh*t in the sink??
F**k Blaire White and her nonsense. Does she even know what marital law is?
F*ck Blaire White and her nonsense. Does she even know what marital law is?
For the german fellas
Diebstahl auf offener Straße in Ehrenfeld: Normales Verhalten?
Swap one despot for another for THE GREATER GOOD!
unsure what this means
Ist das moderne Kunst?
European Union or United States of Europe?
Volt Europa is the most based political party on the planet
It's up to you
Hello fellas, I found Sus Vatnik in Disguise
Context ive been playing since pre 1.0 still haven’t played 3 letter triad. Will answer any questions.
So I just played Elephant for the first time and was ... surprised?
An die ungeschlumpften, würde?