My 2002 submission to the Emerald City Mirror
Josh Kraft went to an immigration rally for 5 minutes, posted on Instagram, and left.
How are we feeling about this 5-over-1 coming to the North End
Expectations vs Reality: Am I expecting too much?
Somehow the mailmain left a stuffed animal INSIDE the house while we were out today. I know I locked the door when we left. I'm uncomfortable with how comfortable he is with NK.
Biggest tiny pet peeve?
Dear Josh Kraft,
I Painted a Miniature of the everything goes numb Cover - any reliable way to share with original artist?
I don’t think Old Navy knows what a bluebird is.
Moving to Newton - Family of 5 expenses
I recreated in LEGO the "Yellow Brick road" from the 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz"
I thought I had an American Robin visiting for many weeks, but then I got a better look!
Have you ever had to have a conversation explaining death with a NK?
Need a room from 27th May-4th June in Allston/Brighton
Disgraceful description of the Marathon Bombing
My own Oz Collages
My Take on Boston!
Ms. Rachel’s blocks: coincidence or not?
Oz Art - Please Critique!
Drawings from 2016
What's your favorite random fact about any bird, or what is your favorite bird and why?
Do you disclose NK isn’t yours?
House Finch Eye Disease or weird lighting?
If you could magically bring back a closed restraunt for an evening, what would it be, and what would you order?
NE Aquarium