My unluckiest game ever.
New update after 10x artifact draw screen.
Saldırı hızı en önemli özellik diye düşünüyorum
Should I reset?
Where is the balance of this game? 14-16 vs 19-17. Both are silver elo. The 14 level one is unranked. I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. I lost all 8 tickets like this.
Why didn't I get a reward?
Lance’s pfp done!
Only one of those indys gives 2 gems per wave. Safe to say lucky spin is broken? I think the messed up the code and flipped epic <> legend. Not the first time I try this.
Underground Cave Bug
Hows my placement?
Daha kötüsü geldi mi başınıza
What is this?
Battle ticket countdown error.
I cannot play this game after disguisting update!!!
Is it just me or something is wrong with the game servers
Still i can’t believe!
Almost everyone has learned which character to develop primarily. So which treasure should we look for in mythics first?
My first "solo" clear
Birileri iron meov iyi olmadığını söylüyor genel konuşmuyorum ama benim için (iron meov>chu)
Maxed Bandit
My best recruit
Just epic :)
Be aware while playing new mode
Best tactic for normal mode?
Which mythical