How can I prevent building up static electricity and shocking myself when I touch my keyboard?
Alright nerds, make this graph for me
The Fake NYU Engineering Grad is back
Why do people care so much about Dean's List?
Trump: "Like on tractors that can handle anything from hurricanes to lightning to anything. They use magnets. It's a new theory -- magnets. They're gonna lift the planes up. And it doesn't work."
I'm beginning to like C
TIL that spitting cobras can hit an attacker’s eyes from 5 ft away with 90% accuracy!
Are anyone else’s lucid dreams disappointingly brief?
who in the discord has the best taste?
Day 8/16 of the song challenge
What do you use the Python Splunk SDK for?
I always get younger or older than my age
Explaining America to Australian
Which one of you did this at the hilton?
Who's in your shoegaze supergroup?
Female Elliott fans? You guys out there?
The current state of the United Kingdom
An orange weirdo admits to weird sexual behaviour
A mouse caught in a spider web
Anyone else nervous?
Boy with a disability defies odds and continues his passion of martial arts
If you want to find an average between 2 numbers here it is!
Lovin’ it