ANSWERED: Helly vs Helena
Troubleshooting aliquot method?
Getting engaged soon with conflicting wedding ideas — any advice you wish you knew in hindsight?
good chicken caesar salads?
Diagnosed at 30, worrying about the outlook (Stage2A)
Keytruda anger
Best tips to reduce scar tissue?
Emmy loving the fall weather 💚
Do people actually spend 3 months salary on a ring?
Anyone else just saying F'it and letting the forebearance ride?
Anyone else’s immune system cooked???
thoughts on brilliant earth + questions
UPDATE: oven doesn’t show accurate temps
TSH is 221
How to Stop Saying “You guys”
Anyone have symptoms like look like cushings? Weight gain, stretch marks, high Serum cortisol, fatigue etc?
Hypothyroid and insecurity.
How are you feeling Milwaukee?
rotten egg smell… it’s everywhere
Interim Rule Going into Effect December 16th — thoughts?
Friendly bookstores for authors and/or local author groups?
Becoming a teacher?
Thyroidectomy due to Graves. Still struggling to figure out Levo. Will things ever get better?
Normalizing MAGA
Anyone have a good recommendation for a vet for this good boy that is affordable?