Buried in the newly released JFK files is official documented, declassified confirmation that the Hungarian Revolution that prompted Corn Boy to send in the tanks was in fact a CIA color revolution.
Jesus Christ. Look at her eyes! Those are the eyes of a woman who has lost everything. You can just see how much pain and heartache she's been through. We barely saw her being the fairest one of ball, but the Evil Queen getting that title back is now a priority in "Snow White"
Day 9: Producing the Worst Movie possible
BREAKING: Release of JFK files has been delayed.
Is Liz alright? She's been going a little crazy on the timeline lately
Do you think Sakurai hates the Sonic franchise?
At least it ain't Eclipse, amirite
Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 9
Answering the question no one asked
Amber posting
Sparg0 Tweet about the stagelist? I’ve always thought the stagelists right now are really meh with Steve unbanned, so I agree we need a mixup
Favorite Sword in the series?
Popular/Unpopular/Any Opinions Thread - March 2025 Part 2
Syrup’s 2025 Steve Matchup Chart
First movie you think of when you see the T-Rex from Jurassic Park?
Day 7: Producing the Worst Movie possible
Is Donnel a human?
Average C Support conversation
My favorite underrated masterpiece from Marvel Studios
CT GamerCon 2025 - Light (Fox) vs Bubbs (Lucas)
Day 6: Producing the Worst Movie possible
What are your absolute favorite crit quotes?
A brave soul trying to get Fire Emblem localized sometime around late 90s
Is this an achievement?
Daily Discussion Thread 03/14/25